Our Generous Supporters


Thank you!

We are deeply grateful to our supporters for their tremendous contributions which allow for us to continue our work building trails and connecting community with nature.

Interested in supporting the Galiano Trails Society? You can do so by clicking the button below!


Platinum Donors ($5000+)


Gold Donors ($1000-$4999)


Silver Donors ($500-$999)

Vilupti and Timothy Corlis
Mary Jo Houghes
Carey Newman
Five Lovely Anonymous Donors
Emily Gonzales


Bronze Donors ($100-$499)

Annette Shaw
Annie Sinclair
Pierre LeBlonde
Michele LeBlonde
Warren Cartwright
Maren Seidel
Edward Andrewsiak
Catherine Helliwell
RD Moore
Kenneth MacCrimmon
Alicia Maday
Alana Hansen
Andrew Loveridge
Roger and Lisa Pettit
Laurie MacCallum
Sarah Knoebber
Sara and Ross Tweedale
Dan Moore
Twenty Kind Anonymous Donors